What the course includes

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  • Sell Your Creations

    Etsy allows you to set up your own online shop to sell your arts, crafts, vintage goods or other handmade items to a global audience.

  • Build Your Brand

    You can establish your unique brand and style on Etsy to stand out. Use high-quality photos, descriptions and shop layout to tell your brand's story.

  • Access Key Tools

    Etsy provides powerful ecommerce tools for listings, payment processing, shipping and inventory management. Leverage these to efficiently run your shop.

  • Retain More Profits

    Etsy takes a lower commission compared to other platforms. You retain around 80-90% of each sale amount allowing you to generate good profits.

  • Our comprehensive Etsy course teaches you how to create aesthetically pleasing listings, market your shop effectively, provide excellent customer service and ultimately build a successful Etsy store. Enroll now and start your Etsy journey!

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